Thursday, August 28, 2008

Damn I'm sick

Its OK to rain once in a while, but definitely not everyday, as what it is like currently. I AM SICK. Not as if I am weak, but the unpredictable weather are giving me lots of trouble. particularly when my worn-out shoe has a big hole at the bottom of it. going into classes feeling like a fish is fishing in yr shoe? try it.

sometimes, life is full of surprise. Embrace yourself for more friends! I couldn't believe my eyes when I look onto the result slip. Not as if I did it very well or brilliantly, but the result do have something for me to cheer on for the next exam perhaps?

Not to forget, today is the birthday of 3 of my friends! Chestal aka Su Xian, Samuel Das and Jia Yen.. so.. happy birthday!!

top 10

so, never say never!

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