Sunday, June 1, 2008

Square Bananas

Yeah! 1st June! Happy World Milk day dudes! haha every heard of such day? It is my first time hearing such cute 'day' actually, from The Star Sunday edition.

Lately, my dad has been bringing lots of locally-non-pesticides fruit as he works near a 10 hectares orchard somewhere in Bentong. The latest one was a comb of banana (wasn't sure of the comb thingy). I was quite amused by the shape of it.

Can you see it? it's triangular in shape. Lol I was bored.

I've been able to find some old pictures lately, and I am surprised by how fair I was at that time. I wonder why it is so difficult for me to get back to fair skin nowadays, as I was so fair back in years.

~lovely family~

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